Jackson College Student Government
Greetings and thank you for exploring the Jackson College Student Government website. Jackson College Student Government is a student organization that prides ourselves on positively representing our institution. We aim to create a culture of acceptance as we strive to represent all members of the Jackson College Student Association. We aim to be your voice, your supporter, your student government.
We, the Jackson College Student Government, serve as the official representative voice for the students who attend Jackson College. We exist to advocate for and empower all members of our student body. We uphold the mission, vision, and values of our institution, providing a supportive experience for all Jackson learners as they identify and achieve their educational goals. We strive to promote student policy that addresses the interests, needs, and welfare of all Jackson students.
We, the Jackson College Student Government, have a vision of fostering a supportive and interactive community amongst our traditional and non-traditional student population, and serving in the best interest of the entire student body.
Apply For Student Government
Get involved with the Jackson College Student Government Association, the voice of the students. You may apply for multiple positions within this one application. Each role offers the chance to make an impact and grow as a leader.
Open positions – Executive Board
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Marketing Coordinator
Student Government Constitution
Article I: Name
We shall call this organization the Jackson College Student Government created to serve the Jackson College Student Association (JCSA). All registered Jackson College students are members of JCSA.
Article II: Mission
We, the Jackson College Student Government, serve as the official representative voice for the students who attend Jackson College. We exist to advocate for and empower all members of our student body. We uphold the mission, vision, and values of our institution, providing a supportive experience for all Jackson learners as they identify
and achieve their educational goals. We strive to promote student policy that addresses the interests, needs, and welfare of all Jackson students.
Article III: Membership
Student government representatives will be appointed by way of application completion, interview process, and an extensive review of academic and behavioral history here at
Jackson College, completed by the selection committee. The selection committee is comprised of Assistant Dean of Student Life, Athletic Director, Director of Student Life, and the Assistant Director of Student Life. The student representatives of JC Student Government shall be selected by the Director of Student Life or his/her designee. The representatives selected will be called to uphold the mission of JC Student Government. JCSG holds the responsibility of advocating for recognized student organizations, campus housing, athletics, and more. All JC student organizations will be represented at all formal JC Student Government meetings. Student organizations will provide one designee to attend meetings and provide input on the operations of JC Student Government. This designee will hold rights to voting while representing the best interest of their student organization. JCSG reserves the right to accept or reject programming from student organizations that require Student Life funding.
Article IV: Roles
- Execute the provisions of the JCSG Constitution and By-Laws
- Call and preside over meetings of the JCSG
- Submit to the JCSG’s budget for the upcoming year
- Veto acts of JCSG if deemed necessary
- Review documents kept by the Secretary/Parliamentarian and Treasurer.
- Perform as primary student representative to administrators, faculty and staff.
- Willing to represent students at various college committee meetings.
- Attend Jackson College Board of Trustees’ meetings and update the Jackson College community on JCSG’s business and activities.
- Manage all delegated tasks for large-scale programs.
Vice President/ Parliamentarian
- Execute the duties and powers of the President in his/her absence
- Exercise the JCSG’s executive member right to vote
- Attend all meetings and activities as scheduled (no more than two unexcused absences)
- Coordinate with all necessary departments in the execution of planned events or initiatives accepted by JCSG
- Ensure that parliamentary rules are being followed and that proper procedures are being used during all meeting motions.
- Serve as responding and corresponding Treasurer of JCSG
- Exercise the JCSG’s executive member right to vote
- Maintain records of expenditures made by JCSG and monies collected at JCSG events
- Attend all meetings and activities as scheduled (no more than two unexcused absences)
- Establish and maintain audit system for JCSG
- Provide financial reports for all JCSG meetings/ presentations as necessary
- Deposit all money donated/raised for SGA within 24 hours into the proper account (Y20).
- Manage all budget proposals (staying within the budget planned at the beginning of the academic year).
- Exercise the JCSG’s executive member right to vote
- Attend all meetings and activities as scheduled (no more than two unexcused absences)
- Update JCSG’s and Student Life portions of the Jackson College website
- Coordinating with marketing department of Jackson College or outside advertising agencies, in creating advertisement materials for scheduled events, student government initiatives or vacancy.
- Responsible for taking minutes at all meetings and distributing them via email within one week to JCSG’s president and advisor.
- Create a contact list of all Student Government Officers, and executive council members.
- Make this list available to all students.
- Implement a sign-in sheet for all meetings and events.
- Keep and make available to the Student Government a permanent record of the Constitution of the JCSG.
- Publish all pertinent acts and decisions of the Student Government in the JCSG Newsletter or web page following approval of advisor.
- Ensure that parliamentary rules are being followed and that proper procedures are being used during all meeting motions.
Student/Community Liaison
- Exercise the JCSG’s executive member right to vote
- Attend all meetings and activities as scheduled (no more than two unexcused absences)
- Assess campus culture, attitudes, and needs by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data (this includes surveys after JCSG events and event attendance)
- Build positive relationships amongst businesses and individuals of Jackson, Michigan and JCSG executive council.
- Seek donations or financial gain opportunities to aid JCSG either directly or indirectly
- An eligible advisor is defined as: any faculty member, administrator, or staff member who agrees to advise a registered student organization. This advisor shall abide by the advisor duties set out by the office of Student Life.
Article V: Succession of Office
- Succession for the Office of President shall be in the following order:
- Vice President
- A member of the General Assembly chosen by a two-thirds vote of members of the General Assembly present.
- If the Office of Vice President is vacant, the President shall nominate a new Vice President to be confirmed or rejected by a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly members present.
Article VI: Records
Jackson College Student Government must keep complete, typed notes from every regular and non-scheduled JSSG meeting.
Article VII: Non-Discrimination Policy
Jackson College Student Government, its members, and affiliates shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reason of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
JCSG members/officers must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and they must hold a minimum part time student status which is designated as six college undergraduate credits (or 3 in the summer semester). In the event that a JCSG member/officer does not maintain the cumulative GPA of 2.5 requirement, that member/officer will be deemed on academic probation. Academic probation allows the JCSG member/officer one semester to obtain the GPA of 2.5 requirement. If the JCSG member is not able to obtain a GPA of 2.5 during their academic probation period they will be removed from the council.
Grounds for Removal
- Poor Attendance
- Failure to exemplify good academic and/or behavioral standing
- Failure to complete designated tasks
- Failure to represent Jackson College Student Government in a respectable manner.
- JCSG members/officers must be in good disciplinary standing with Jackson College at their time of appointment and the duration of their appointment. Level II or III allegations which a member/officer has been found responsible for by Jackson College Judicial Board will result in automatic removal from the council and/or denial of application.
Parliamentary meetings and voting
JCSG shall exercise voting rights in acceptance or rejection of student organization’s request for Student Life funds. Requests will be reviewed at student government meetings.
Executive Council
This meeting shall be held before Student Government General Assembly. All executive board members and JCSG advisor shall be present to discuss officer reports and general updates.
General Assembly
This meeting shall be held after executive council. All executive board members, JCSG, student organization representatives, and any members of the student body shall be present. Request from student organizations, officer reports, and general updates will be discussed.
How to become a student organization
- Create your constitution and bylaws: You can do this before you have all of your members or after you have your leadership team created. If you need assistance a student life worker, or administrator will be happy to assist you.
- All registered student organizations must provide one representative to the Student Government Association general assembly meetings; this can be a dual role with another position.
- Find an advisor: An advisor can be a faculty member, administrator, or college staff member. An advisor serves as a form of guidance to the student organization and a liaison between the student organization and student life. The advisor is in place to support the student organization in their events, meetings, community service, etc. Click here for advisor expectations.
- Complete a 30 day probationary period: After 30 days of positive influence on campus your student organization will be accepted or rejected by Jackson College Student Government. Once approved you are an official Registered Student Organization, eligible for funding and support from the Office of Student Life.
Registered Student Organization Application Form